This is the layout of the gate that works well for us at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC). Competitors and Spectators enter from the left and the stands and pool are on the right. Note:
- Display sign shows pricing so that people queuing can prepare their money.
- Two desks allow two people to be served in parallel.
- Pricing repeated on each desk – both for entrants and gate staff (volunteers).
- Ample float available in cash tins. Expect many people to come with high value notes straight from the ATM that will require change.
- Ample stocks of programs available for sale.
- Raffle prize on display to encourage raffle ticket sales. Raffle draw time is publicised to avoid questions.
- A list of Technical Officials (who are entitled to free entry) is placed at the gate to avoid lengthy discussions about whether someone should pay or not.
SOPAC management allow the gate to be opened from the start of warm-up time, hence a queue often forms before opening and there is an initial rush. We manage this by:
- Asking volunteer gate staff to arrive 10 mins ahead of opening, give them a full briefing, and time to prepare. Briefing includes all the information here, plus car park ticket validation arrangements.
- Swimmers enter free (no need to stop at desk).
- Coaches enter free and receive a free program.
- 2-3 people behind the desk + 1 opposite the desk managing the queue and organising ‘next waiting’.
- Raffle ticket sales are mostly made to people once they are relaxed and seated inside, not at the gate.
Remember, the gate volunteers are ‘Directors of First Impression’ for your meet!
Information signage for those in the queue
Preparing bundles of raffle tickets to quickly hand out without blowing away in the wind.
Hi Ben
Nice new website.