This is the TO / volunteer roles recommended for running a distance meet at Knox (8 lane 50m pool). Referee x 1 JOS/IT x 2 (only one was used in September 2015, and that wasn’t enough) Starter x 1 Marshal x 1 Check starter x 2 AOE/SAT x 1 Meet Manager operator x 1 Recorder […]
Running swimming carnivals
Easier volunteer rostering with Sign Up Genius
We recently calculated that a major 2-day meet requires 1,000 hours of volunteer time to run. That’s an average of 2.5 hours for every single swimmer entered. We owe it to ourselves as organisers and other volunteers to make things as easy and time efficient as possible. One particular challenge is rostering officials and other […]
Carnival panic solved by International Quadratics
Swimming Carnival without Timing System like Credit Card without PIN. Useless! Confucius Tomorrow is our annual carnival – when we hope to raise the majority of our club funds. We have a full program, most events are full, fingers crossed everything will go well. 4pm this afternoon we meet at the pool to set […]
Easy swimming club carnival accounts
Swimming carnivals can become complex for Treasurers because of the mix of payments going in and out at different times for various purposes. Great record keeping will help the club understand how best to maximise profits, minimise leakage, and please the auditor! We have developed and refined this system over 4 years so we know […]
Carnival gate layout
This is the layout of the gate that works well for us at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC). Competitors and Spectators enter from the left and the stands and pool are on the right. Note: Display sign shows pricing so that people queuing can prepare their money. Two desks allow two people to be […]