These are my personal notes from the Championships. I am making them publicly available here in case it helps anyone.
My personal officiating objectives
- Do a great job – sounds obvious, but over 8 days with 2 long sessions each day, this is easier said than done. Key is to maintain focus.
- Look after my health and well being – sufficient sleep and rest, appropriate diet, get exercise, stay mentally alert.
- IoT – officiate every turn correctly, know the rules, report clearly, stand in correct position at the start end for the cameras.
- JoS – correct positioning, know the rules, report clearly, look professional including when seated.
- Clerk of Course – deliver a great experience to the swimmers, conduct swimwear and pool deck equipment check without being officious, deal with any late comers / reserve substitutions correctly.
- AoE – professional team player in the control room. Get the job done without drama or problem.
- Learn as much as possible about officiating at National level. Watch key role models and learn.
Performance specifics
- Health and well being – good diet, had a couple of swims between sessions, not overly tired, maintained focus, returned home in good condition. 4/5
- IoT – missed the very first turn of the entire Championships (!!) but after that pretty good. Probably missed fewer than a handful over the entire meet. No infractions to report. Stood on wrong side once, but generally good positioning and following protocol. Taking food onto pool deck and appropriate use of breaks went well. Did not get dehydrated. 3/5
- JoS – generally good positioning (although had to check details with my partner during the session – thanks Murray!). Worked well with the team to ensure consistency. Tuned out right at the end due to distraction from crowd behind me. Infraction report good but not great, learned from it – immediately describe in terms of rules, don’t be over specific on the position. Should have called another infraction that the IoT missed. Felt that I didn’t slouch when seated. Discrete use of program. 3/5
- Clerk of Course – learned lots about swimwear and pool deck equipment checks from my partner (thanks Max). Very relaxed, no significant issues to manage. 4/5
- AoE – it was good to prepare in advance by visiting the control room during an earlier session whilst I was a Reserve. Only made a couple of minor errors. Great team vibe in the control room. 4/5
Key learnings / work ons
- IoT – rehearse expectations prior to every single start/turn/finish.
- SBSS – was the swimmer ever stationary (were they stationary and then moved)? Which part of the body moved?
- Infractions – make very detailed notes in the program. Be completely ready for a protest.
- Get FINA rules book.
- Re-read positioning in detail, including transitions (eg 50m event to 100m)
- Focus on being present at the right times.
- Get to know people from other States more.
Fantastic experience. I felt that I performed much better than the previous year. Particularly happy with my health and well being, and focus as an IoT. Staying with the team was great, with some good debriefs. Learned lots and plenty to work on.