How SNSW and SAL can best continue to support SMNE run its next 290 swim meets – a personal view.
The sport of swimming is struggling to recruit, train and retain sufficient technical officials to run our events. I have personally experienced this challenge in my role as Area Technical Swimming Committee Coordinator for Swimming Metro North East.
SNSW and SAL have been looking into these challenges and I have been supporting them. In this 27″ presentation I explain our local challenges and my personal options about the best support our parent body can provide.
Download copy of the slides (7MB pdf)
Additional notes:
- Full disclosure: I am a strong driver of online training and my company makes a small amount of money from it
- Online course funnel: the numbers are course registrations, not people. Because some people complete multiple courses, the number of people is lower
- Assessors: these people can both assess and act at mentors. The focus of this role is development, not just accreditation.
- Culture & Values: the SAL work on this is crucial and should be continued.
- Photos courtesy of SMNE.
- Several of the themes echo those from the SAL working group. Massive thanks to my colleagues on that group: Alan, Damian, Darren, Jackie, Ryan, and Stella.
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