Attend our self-help clinic Wednesday 14th September online
7:30-8:30pm NT/SA
6-7pm WA
Bring your “how do I?” questions. Agenda will be set by you!

Swim.Rocks founder, Ben Ramsden, will answer questions by editing swim club websites live online via screen share. Learn what can and cannot be achieved, and exactly how!
Hosted via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82432258627?pwd=UVFlbEtERzIyc0JuK0VqeXNoQXVhdz09
Open to all swim clubs, whether you are a Swim.Rocks customer or not.
RSVP not required, simply connect at the start and join the conversation. Optionally let us know your questions in advance.
The clinic will be recorded for those unable to attend live.