Example 1 XX Swim Club INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT Year ended [date] I have audited the 20XX Financial Report for the [XX] Swim Club which comprises of the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and the financial records maintained by the Club. The Treasurer of the Club is responsible for the preparation and presentation of […]
Archives for May 2015
West Pymble Pool
6 lane 50m outdoor pool + 25m indoor facility. Some swimmers are better than others. Comments about my stroke should be directed to my coach! She swims at twice my speed!
Completing the annual audit
Confirm deadlines: The AGM is usually 2-3 months after the end of the financial year, and it’s paper circulation deadline may be several weeks beforehand. The audited financial statements will need to be produced by then. Confirm auditor: ideally the auditor will have already been appointed at the previous year’s AGM. If not you will […]
Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre
Otherwise known as SOPAC.
Easy swimming club carnival accounts
Swimming carnivals can become complex for Treasurers because of the mix of payments going in and out at different times for various purposes. Great record keeping will help the club understand how best to maximise profits, minimise leakage, and please the auditor! We have developed and refined this system over 4 years so we know […]