We’re all finding that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find enough parents to volunteer to run swim clubs. I’m exploring options for bringing affordable paid support into club admin. I’m seeking your input please.
My outline idea is to hire an offshore admin manager / virtual assistant, and share the cost across a number of clubs with similar needs. The person would be trained in the core functions required, and accessible via email and Aussie phone number during daytime / evenings. Their work may be augmented with appropriate IT tools.
I’m seeking your thoughts please about what you could you use this service for, and how much your club might be willing to pay.
Initial ideas of routine tasks that could be outsourced include:
- Registrars tasks
- Routine website / social media updates based on photos and text sent
- Book keeping and routine reporting
- Design layout of posters / news letters
- Working with Children chasing details and confirming compliance
Occasional tasks:
- Event preparation (carnivals, camps, presentation nights)
Existing / future IT tools:
- Dropbox / Google drive for file sharing
- Video / audio conference gateway for travel free meetings from home
- Gmail / alternative for email
- Xero / Saasu / etc for book keeping and reporting
- SAL online race entry system for race entries
- SAL membership system for collecting membership fees and managing records
- Bank EFT / Credit Card payment gateway for receiving and making payments
- Websites, social media, Team App, etc for publicity and member engagement
- Online rostering solutions for team rostering for events.
- SNSW Online training system for Technical Officials.
- Clothing dispatch on demand services for uniforms.
- Wiki for knowledge management
Can you I ask you please to give this some thought and let me know:
1. How many hours per month of admin could you potentially outsource in this way?
2. What ONE thing would make the biggest difference in improving the operation of your club (regardless of whether it can be outsourced)?
I don’t think that swimming clubs in their current form are sustainable over the long term. I am keen to help us all find a solution!
Feedback via email or by phone would be great, ideally by the end of March (Easter). Feel free to circulate further.
0406 401 180