Swimming NSW authorised the use of backstroke ledges at their State Open meet this weekend. I am very grateful to Peter Shell for teaching me how to use one, and agreeing to share via this video. The protocol at the start of backstroke races has been adjusted to incorporate the ledges. Inspectors of Turns are […]
Area Technical Swimming Committee Coordinator routines
Key duties Recruitment, training, mentoring & accreditation of officials Rostering officials for Area meets Routine administration including re-accreditations Routine administration includes: “Can you help me find a Referee or Starter for my meet on…?” “My accreditations are wrong on MyLane, please fix” “Where is my badge?” Annual Routine Note I started the role in July, […]
Technical Officials for a distance meet at Knox
This is the TO / volunteer roles recommended for running a distance meet at Knox (8 lane 50m pool). Referee x 1 JOS/IT x 2 (only one was used in September 2015, and that wasn’t enough) Starter x 1 Marshal x 1 Check starter x 2 AOE/SAT x 1 Meet Manager operator x 1 Recorder […]
Easier volunteer rostering with Sign Up Genius
We recently calculated that a major 2-day meet requires 1,000 hours of volunteer time to run. That’s an average of 2.5 hours for every single swimmer entered. We owe it to ourselves as organisers and other volunteers to make things as easy and time efficient as possible. One particular challenge is rostering officials and other […]
Technical Officials’ Sunday School
“What is Sunday School” I once asked my parents when I was little. “It’s where people go on a Sunday to learn about God” came the reply. “We learn about God at school, why do they also do it on Sunday?” I wondered. Fast forward 40 plus years and I had a similar feeling when […]